Training and Performance in Peri/Post Menopause

Peri menopause/Post menopause:

In perimenopause (aka menopause transition) there is a decline in estrogen. Estrogen is an ergogenic aid that helps females build and/or maintain muscle mass. With the decline of estrogen females need to do high intensity sessions/weight training to maintain muscle mass aside the sports we are passionate about.

When going through perimenopause or approaching post-menopause you also want to shift your fueling. This is because hormones change. In peri- and post menopause, females become more sparing meaning their body wants to use fat as an energy source. The challenge is that if you do not fuel with carbohydrates you will struggle to hit the intensity, go the distance and not recover well from the activity you worked so hard doing. 

In short: We want to arm you with the best decisions for yourself to feel and perform at your best at any given age.

What we offer for peri/post menopause ($399 per month):

  • We focus on training, nutrition, and recovery based on your unique and changing physiology, to optimize your performance and reduce negative symptoms during perimenopause or post menopause.

  • Basic nutrition guidelines based on training load for perimenopause or post menopause.

  • Strength training program for female athletes designed to optimize bone, muscle, and metabolic health.